Results for 'Raquel Figueira Lopes Cançado Andrade'

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  1.  23
    Productive Organizations: The Human-Computer Interaction in Black Mirror.Georgia de Souza Assumpção, Carolina Maia dos Santos, Raquel Figueira Lopes Cançado Andrade, Mayara Vieira Henriques & Alexandre de Carvalho Castro - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e61969e.
    RESUMO A série Black Mirror, transmitida entre 2011 e 2023 pela Netflix, tornou-se um fenômeno de mídia e seus episódios mostraram formas de interação homem-máquina (terminologia também referida como humano-computador). O nome da série se refere ao fato de que, quando uma tela é desligada, ela se torna um espelho negro que reflete a imagem do usuário. Este artigo1 tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos da interação homem-máquina nas organizações produtivas apresentadas em Black Mirror. Esta pesquisa utilizou a análise do (...)
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    Ensino Do Direito e Crise: Em Busca da Carnavalização Esquecida Do Ensino Jurídico Brasileiro.Bernard Constantino Ribeiro & Raquel Fabiana Lopes Sparemberger - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (2):20-35.
    Não se pretende conceituar o Direito, ou determinar o caminho correto a ser seguido, e sim provocar reflexões acerca do Direito, suas implicações ideológicas, e o crescente distanciamento do Outro como sujeito componente de nossa cultura, que foi silenciado há muito tempo e segue sendo apagado por nossas atitudes excludentes. Pensemos o ensino jurídico cheio de possibilidades, e repleto de desejos, pois com o desejo, poderemos de fato pensar no Outro. Portanto, um ensino do Direito transformador, marcado pelo respeito à (...)
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    O Dever Moral e o Valor Das Ações Humanas Segundo Kant.Renata Cristina Lopes Andrade & Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):235-244.
    Pretendemos, no presente artigo, abordar o conceito de dever (Sollen) no interior da filosofia moral de Kant. Por considerarmos a noção do dever moral enquanto um dos conceitos centrais no (e ao) pensamento prático kantiano e com o intuito de tentar oferecer uma elucidação da busca (e desenvolvimento) de Kant pelo princípio supremo da moral – os fundamentos da ação detentora de valor moral, buscaremos expor: i) o que caracteriza uma ação por dever no pensamento moral kantiano e, ii) porque (...)
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    Realmar a Economia: A Economia de Francisco e Clara.Taize de Andrade Machado Lopes - 2023 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 16 (32):1-7.
    Em 2019, o Papa Francisco convocou jovens para refletir sobre como alcançar uma economia mais justa e inclusiva. O livro "Realmar a Economia: a Economia de Francisco e Clara" é resultado dos estudos do Grupo de Reflexão e Trabalho para a Economia de Francisco e Clara (PUC Minas), organizado pelo sociólogo Eduardo Brasileiro. Nesta resenha, iremos apresentar brevemente alguns pontos debatidos na obra, com o intuito de incentivar a leitura desse importante trabalho.
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    “Das Fontes a Uma Pedagogia Das Escolas Franciscanas”: Um Relato de Experiência Do Itinerário Franciscano 2022.Taize de Andrade Machado Lopes - 2023 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 16 (31):91-103.
    With the aim of reflecting on a Pedagogy of the Franciscan Schools, the Franciscan Itinerary took place from February to December 2022, with the participation of collaborators and teachers from the schools maintained by the Charitable and Literary Society of St. Francis of Assisi - North Zone (SCALIFRA - ZN). The training consisted of webinars and evaluative activities, with themes extracted from works from the Franciscan writings. This experience report describes how the Itinerary was planned, as well as its main (...)
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    Learning Platforms for Implementing Formative Interventions to Promote the Health and Safety of Workers in Brazil.Manoela Gomes Reis Lopes, Rodolfo Andrade de Gouveia Vilela, Amanda Aparecida Silva-Macaia, Vinícius Monteiro de Paula Guirado & Marco Antonio Pereira Querol - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Formative intervention methodologies, such as the Change Laboratory, are increasingly being used in work environments. However, the learning process entailed in the application of these methodologies has received insufficient attention and may be facilitated through the use of learning platforms. We examined the development of learning and training strategies for implementing formative interventions, drawing on the experiences of a research group focusing on workers’ health. Information obtained from individuals involved in CL formative activities was analyzed and interpreted using Cultural-Historical Activity (...)
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    Apresentação do dossiê: "Ativismo Negro E justiça racial: Produções teóricas E de pesquisa no Campo da etnicidade, interseccionalidade E diversidade sexual".Raquel Souzas, Ana Claudia Lemos Pacheco, Núbia Regina Moreira & Tânia Rocha de Andrade Cunha - 2021 - Odeere 6 (1):1-6.
    Apresentação do Dossiê: "ATIVISMO NEGRO E JUSTIÇA RACIAL: produções teóricas e de pesquisa no campo da etnicidade, interseccionalidade e diversidade sexual".
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    Dispositional Flow and Performance in Brazilian Triathletes.William Fernando Garcia, Renan Codonhato, Marcus Vinicius Mizoguchi, José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior, Paulo Vitor Suto Aizava, Marcelen Lopes Ribas, Aryelle Malheiros Caruzzo, João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci & Lenamar Fiorese - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Effects of Nicotine Gum Administration on Vision (ENIGMA-Vis): Study Protocol of a Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial.Thiago P. Fernandes, Jeffery K. Hovis, Natalia Almeida, Jandirlly J. S. Souto, Thiago Augusto Bonifacio, Stephanye Rodrigues, Gabriella Medeiros Silva, Michael Oliveira Andrade, Jessica Bruna Silva, Giulliana H. Gomes, Milena Edite Oliveira, Eveline Holanda Lima, Maria Eduarda Gomes, Marcos V. A. Junior, Mariana Lopes Martins & Natanael A. Santos - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  10.  43
    Effects of Synergism of Mindfulness Practice Associated With Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation in Chronic Migraine: Pilot, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial.Luana Dias Santiago Pimenta, Elidianne Layanne Medeiros de Araújo, Joyce Poláine dos Santos Silva, Jamyson Júnior França, Pedro Nascimento Araújo Brito, Ledycnarf Januário de Holanda, Ana Raquel Lindquist, Luiz Carlos Serramo Lopez & Suellen Marinho Andrade - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Chronic migraine is a difficult disease to diagnose, and its pathophysiology remains undefined. Its symptoms affect the quality of life and daily living tasks of the affected person, leading to momentary disability. This is a pilot, randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial study with female patients between 18 and 65 years old with chronic migraine. The patients underwent twelve mindfulness sessions paired with anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, with current intensity of 2 mA applied for 20 (...)
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    The therapeutic subject in La Arcadia by Lope de Vega.Cristina Andrade-Rosa, Francisco López-Muñoz & Juan D. Molina - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):201-236.
    En la actualidad, aún se desconoce el verdadero alcance de la vasta cultura de Lope de Vega, pues, aunque se sabe que fue un gran lector, que legó más de 1500 libros, sus títulos se han perdido a lo largo de la historia. No obstante, en sus obras trasciende una serie de textos que contribuyeron a su formación. En el presente trabajo se analiza La Arcadia, considerada la novela pastoril más erudita del Siglo de Oro, desde la perspectiva de los (...)
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    O Estatuto da Física Na Metaciência de Descartes: Entre o Idealismo e o Realismo Pragmático.Ivânio Lopes de Azevedo Júnior - 2022 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 49 (154):245.
    Neste artigo, colocamos a questão sobre o estatuto da Física no pensamento de René Descartes em meio a duas leituras divergentes. De um lado, apresentamos e criticamos a interpretação idealista de Martial Gueroult em torno do problema e, noutra perspectiva, apresentamos e defendemos a interpretação realista-pragmática, de Zeljko Loparic e Érico Andrade, como sendo a mais adequada para se compreender a natureza da física no pensamento cartesiano. O objetivo central é saber como Descartes concebe a sua própria ciência hipotética (...)
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  13. Aphantasia and involuntary imagery.Raquel Krempel & Merlin Monzel - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 120 (C):103679.
    Aphantasia is a condition that is often characterized as the impaired ability to create voluntary mental images. Aphantasia is assumed to selectively affect voluntary imagery mainly because even though aphantasics report being unable to visualize something at will, many report having visual dreams. We argue that this common characterization of aphantasia is incorrect. Studies on aphantasia are often not clear about whether they are assessing voluntary or involuntary imagery, but some studies show that several forms of involuntary imagery are also (...)
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  14. Argumentation mining.Raquel Mochales & Marie-Francine Moens - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 19 (1):1-22.
    Argumentation mining aims to automatically detect, classify and structure argumentation in text. Therefore, argumentation mining is an important part of a complete argumentation analyisis, i.e. understanding the content of serial arguments, their linguistic structure, the relationship between the preceding and following arguments, recognizing the underlying conceptual beliefs, and understanding within the comprehensive coherence of the specific topic. We present different methods to aid argumentation mining, starting with plain argumentation detection and moving forward to a more structural analysis of the detected (...)
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  15. Interpreting AI-Generated Art: Arthur Danto’s Perspective on Intention, Authorship, and Creative Traditions in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Raquel Cascales - 2023 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 71 (4):17-29.
    Arthur C. Danto did not live to witness the proliferation of AI in artistic creation. However, his philosophy of art offers key ideas about art that can provide an interesting perspective on artwork generated by artificial intelligence (AI). In this article, I analyze how his ideas about contemporary art, intention, interpretation, and authorship could be applied to the ongoing debate about AI and artistic creation. At the same time, it is also interesting to consider whether the incorporation of AI into (...)
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  16. Aphantasia, Unsymbolized Thinking and Conscious Thought.Raquel Krempel - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (2).
    According to a common view, conscious thoughts necessarily involve quasi-perceptual experiences, or mental images. This is alleged to be the case not only when one entertains conscious thoughts about perceptible things, but also when one thinks about more abstract things. In the case of conscious abstract propositional thoughts, the idea is that they occur in inner speech, which is taken to involve imagery (typically auditory) of words in a natural language. I argue that unsymbolized thinking and total aphantasia cast doubt (...)
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  17. Is color experience linguistically penetrable?Raquel Krempel - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4261-4285.
    I address the question of whether differences in color terminology cause differences in color experience in speakers of different languages. If linguistic representations directly affect color experience, then this is a case of what I call the linguistic penetrability of perception, which is a particular case of cognitive penetrability. I start with some general considerations about cognitive penetration and its alleged occurrence in the memory color effect. I then apply similar considerations to the interpretation of empirical studies of color perception (...)
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  18.  58
    A New Historiographical Path: Recovering Arthur Danto’s Narrative.Raquel Cascales - 2024 - História da Historiografia International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography 17:1-21.
    This article proposes Arthur Danto’s ‘analytical narrativism,’ and his conceptualization of history as representation, as an unexplored path which can be an alternative to the development of postnarrativism from Hayden White’s ‘figurative realism.’ Danto’s historiographic can shed some light on postnarrativism and on the present-day dilemmas which cloud the academic debates around the writing of history. The article also highlights the need for interdisciplinary dialogue.
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    Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru: Language, Experience, and Zen.Raquel Bouso, Adam Loughnane & Ralf Müller (eds.) - 2022 - Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer.
    This book presents the first collection of essays on the philosophy of Ueda Shizuteru in a Western language. Ueda, the last living member of the Kyoto school, has fostered the East-West dialogue in all his works and has helped to open up the Western image of philosophy by engaging the Zen tradition. The book reflects this particular trait of Ueda’s philosophy, but it also covers all thematic fields of his writings. Contributions from both young and established scholars and experts from (...)
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    The expressive power of memory logics.Carlos Areces, Diego Figueira, Santiago Figueira & Sergio Mera - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):290-318.
    We investigate the expressive power of memory logics. These are modal logics extended with the possibility to store (or remove) the current node of evaluation in (or from) a memory, and to perform membership tests on the current memory. From this perspective, the hybrid logic (↓), for example, can be thought of as a particular case of a memory logic where the memory is an indexed list of elements of the domain.
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    The Art of Becoming: Tracing Technological Transformation and His Perception in Society.Raquel Cascales - 2024 - Review of Contemporary Philosophy 23 (2):1768-1785.
    Throughout the past century, technology integration into the human body has experienced remarkable growth, finding its expression through specific artistic movements that have acted as catalysts for acceptance and societal transformation. This article delves into the examination of three paradigm shifts that underpin this profound evolution. The first shift marks a departure from curative treatments for disabilities, shifting towards a focus on augmentative improvements. Subsequently, the second shift propelled the enhancement of healthy bodies, driven by the visionary concept of posthumanism, (...)
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  22. Philosophical incantations (Itihāsa and Epode).The power of narrative reason in the Mahābhārata.Raquel Ferrández Formoso - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 34 (1):1-15.
    Both the itihāsa-s of the Mahābhārata and the Platonic philosophical ‘epode’ are often used to persuade in conditions where emotion threatens to incapacitate the person for argumentative discourse. Narrative reason has its own conditions of success and failure, opening up a discursive arena in which all kinds of utterances are welcome. Emphasizing the psychagogic function of the ‘once-upon-a-time’ reason, it is worth asking who the real protagonist of the story is and whether the story has a duty or a dharma (...)
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    The Impact of Writing About Gratitude on the Intention to Engage in Prosocial Behaviors During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Raquel Oliveira, Aíssa Baldé, Marta Madeira, Teresa Ribeiro & Patrícia Arriaga - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has quickly swept the globe leaving a devastating trail of lost human lives and leading to a public health and economic crisis. With this in mind, prosociality has been heralded as a potential important factor to overcome the negative effects of the pandemic. As such, in this study, we examined the effectiveness of a brief reflexive writing exercise about recent experiences of gratitude on individuals’ intentions to engage in prosocial behaviors using a sample (...)
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  24. The Development of the Sense of 'the End of Art’ in Arthur Danto.Raquel Cascales - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68 (2):131-148.
    The striking title The End of Art managed to draw attention to the philosophical work of Arthur Danto. However, the lack of a systematic development which could support this thesis made him face harsh criticism. However, strong foundations for his statements can be deduced from his writings. In this paper, I analyse how to understand the thesis of the ‘end of art’. It should be approached not as a monolitical notion but as a complex concept that combines three different senses: (...)
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  25. Interiorizing Ethics through Science Fiction. Brave New World as a Paradigmatic Case Study.Raquel Cascales - 2021 - In Edward Brooks, Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz & José M. Torralba, Literature and Character Education in Universities. Theory, Method, and Text Analysis. Routledge. pp. 153-169.
    Raquel Cascales and Luis Echarte focus on the development of practical wisdom and what they call ‘seeing with the heart’ for science students by means of reading science fiction literature. They argue that literature can bring the student into contact with the reality of moral life as moral dilemmas are made concrete by the characters and circumstances in a novel. They provide an analysis of how Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World can be read in the classroom and show how (...)
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  26. Vindicating the Historical Condition of Art and its Consequences: Hegel’s Influence on Danto’s Philosophical System.Raquel Cascales - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 79:121-136.
    While Hegel’s influence on Arthur Danto has been examined in relation to specific parts of his thought, an overall analysis of said influence is still wanting. In this article, I analyze the presence of Hegelian influence in Danto’s complete thought from three perspectives: (1) Danto’s acceptance of Hegelian assumptions when it comes to the conception of history, narrative realism and historical progress, which allows him to combine timeless essentialism with historicism, (2) the cognitive aspect of art and the conception of (...)
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    Everyday Life and Public Elementary School in Brazil: A Critical Psychological Intervention Model.Raquel Guzzo, Ana Paula Moreira & Adinete Mezzalira - 2015 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 16 (2):71-87.
    Brazil has one of the highest levels of economic disparity in the world. The educational system plays a large role in this reality, acting as a mechanism of social exclusion. Neoliberalism has resulted in the commodification of education, empowering private schools while undermining the public system. This has created a vicious cycle, whereby educational inequality reflects and reinforces social inequality. Such a system violates the rights of children not lucky enough to be born into wealth – the right to equal (...)
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  28. La primacía entre arte, religión y filosofía. Un debate abierto desde el Romanticismo.Raquel Cascales - 2017 - Naturaleza y Libertad 9:185-226.
    El Romanticismo miró la Ilustración como una época que, al apostar por la racionalidad de manera casi exclusiva, rompió la unidad entre distintos ámbitos del saber. La conciencia de esa falta de unidad impulsa la reflexión de muchos intelectuales sobre cómo volver a alcanzarla, tarea que al principio los románticos hacen recaer en el arte. En concreto, el grupo de los Nazarenos, muy ligado al Athenäum, apostó por recuperar esta unidad, que pronto adquirió tintes políticos, mediante la “religión del arte”. (...)
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  29. Del muro al grafiti en la obra de Antoni Tàpies.Raquel Cascales - 2019 - Arte, Individuo y Sociedad 3 (31):625-641.
    El estudio de los grafitis de Antoni Tàpies que se lleva a cabo en este artículo pretende profundizar en un aspecto poco considerado de la obra del autor y, sin embargo, crucial para comprender el conjunto de su obra. Esta perspectiva permite destacar el interés del artista por superar la separación entre arte y vida, recontextualizándolo más allá de la corriente informalista en las que se le ha encasillado y acercándolo a los movimientos internacionales del arte de acción. Para explicar (...)
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  30. La formación de la idea de soberanía.Raquel Kritsch - 2007 - Res Publica. Murcia 17.
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  31. Linguistic meanings meet linguistic forms.Raquel Krempel - 2022 - Manuscrito 45 (1):28-42.
    In this paper I critically address some ideas presented in Patrick Duffley’s book Linguistic Meaning Meets Linguistic Form. Duffley adopts the semiological principle that linguistic signs have stable meanings. I argue that this principle leads Duffley to an artificial description of the meaning of the preposition for, in attempting to avoid the charge of polysemy. Another issue is that the principle is not consistently followed throughout the book, such as in Duffley’s analysis of the meaning of start, or in his (...)
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  32. Comentário a “Sobre o status metafísico das cores”: a concepção comum das cores e a ciência das cores.Raquel Krempel - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):511-516.
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    Axiomatization of XPath with general data comparison.Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira & Nicolás González - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-20.
    In this work, we study Hilbert-style proof systems for logics based on the data-aware language CoreDataXPath(↓) where the comparison relation between nodes is not necessarily an equivalence relation. We give a sound and complete axiomatization of the class of tree-like Kripke frames endowed with a general comparison relation between nodes. Modular extensions of this axiomatization are also discussed, including cases where the comparison relation is reflexive, symmetric, transitive and an equivalence. A notable highlight that we recover an axiomatization for CoreDataXPath(↓) (...)
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  34. Redefining Identity. Posthumanist Theories in Westworld.Raquel Cascales & Rosa Fernández-Urtasun - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):119-137.
    El proyecto transhumanista de mejoramiento humano viene proponiendo ya desde hace tiempo una superación de los límites humanos que nos permita convertirnos en una nueva especie. A pesar de que dicha posibilidad es todavía lejana en la práctica, las hipótesis han invadido la ciencia ficción y están generando la imagen colectiva de lo que se considera posible o, incluso, deseable. Al mismo tiempo en la ciencia ficción esos desarrollos artificiales se llevan hasta sus últimos límites y se ponen en cuestión. (...)
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  35. Can Compositionality Solve the Thought-or-Language Problem?Raquel Krempel - 2019 - Philosophical Papers 48 (2):265-291.
    Jerry Fodor has claimed to have a solution to the traditional problem of what comes first, thought or language. Compositionality, he says, will give us the answer, for at least one must be compositional, and if only one of them is, that is the one that has underived semantic content. He argues that natural languages are not compositional, and therefore that the content of language is derived from the content of thought. I will argue that the idea that language is (...)
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  36. Disimagination and Sentiment in Nishitani’s Religious Aesthetics.Raquel Bouso - 2019 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 4:45-84.
    This paper discusses the notion of disimagination a translation of the German word Entbildung, which was devised by Meister Eckhart as a reinterpretation of the Neoplatonic categories of abstraction (aphairesis) and negation (apophasis)in connection with Nishitani Keiji's standpoint of emptiness. Nishitani proposes a nonsubjective, nonrepresentational, and nonconceptual type of knowledge to avoid the problem of representation implied in the modern subjective self-consciousness that prevents our access to the reality of things. It is argued that what he calls a knowing of (...)
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    Daya Krishna, el Coraje de Pensar. La Filosofía India en el mundo globalizado.Raquel Ferrández - 2024 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 16 (1):11-44.
    Daya Krishna (1924-2007) fue uno de los pensadores más creativos, polémicos y prolíficos del siglo XX. Trabajó intensamente por deshacer los estereotipos comúnmente atribuidos a la Filosofía india, desafiando las visiones que pretendían reducir milenios de debates intelectuales a parámetros meramente religiosos, prácticos y espirituales. Precursor de la Filosofía de fusión y la Filosofía global, Daya Krishna pertenece a esa generación de pensadores indios del siglo XX que socavaron las bases del provincialismo epistémico, como K.C. Bhattacharya o A.C. Mukerji, a (...)
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  38. The representational theory of mind and common sense psychology.Raquel Krempel - 2021 - Aufklärung 8.
    The goal of this paper is to present some advantages of the representational and computational theories of mind when compared to other views, especially behaviorism. The idea is that representational and computational theories allow us to conceive propositional attitudes in a way that preserves two essential features we take them to have in common sense psychological explanations: semantic evaluability and causal efficacy. Behaviorism reconceives mental states in a way that doesn’t preserve these essential features. In so doing, it makes a (...)
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  39. La necesidad de lo inútil. El arte como reivindicador antropológico.Raquel Cascales - 2017 - Metafísica y Persona 18:81-100.
    Durante los últimos decenios la utilidad se ha convertido en uno de los elementos más importantes de nuestra sociedad, hasta el punto de medir no sólo las cosas, sino a los seres humanos por su utilidad. No se trata de demostrar la utilidad de la cosas “inútiles”, sino de reivindicar que hay cosas que son valiosas por sí mismas. Esta es la perspectiva que me gustaría tratar en este artículo. Para ello, en primer lugar me detendré en explicar brevemente el (...)
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  40. De geido a geijutsu. O caminho da arte e a arte como caminho na Escola de Kioto.Raquel Bouso - 2018 - Modernos and Contemporaneos 3 (2):2-12.
    A palavra japonesa geidō 芸道 é formada por dois caracteres: o primeiro remete à “habilidade” ou “capacidade” de executar algo e o segundo a uma “via” ou “caminho”, de maneira que poderia ser traduzida por “via da arte”. Como observou Hisamatsu Shin’ichi em um diálogo com Martin Heidegger, “via”, aqui, não significa simplesmente “método”, mas mantém uma profunda relação com a vida. No entanto, para nomear a “arte” no sentido moderno “ocidental estético”,emprega-se, em japonês, o neologismo geijutsu 芸術. O segundo (...)
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    O gênio e o santo na filosofia de Schopenhauer.Daniel Quaresma Figueira Soares - 2011 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 2 (1):83.
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    El poder transformador de la estética de lo cotidiano.Raquel Cascales & María Jesús Godoy Domínguez - 2025 - Anuario Filosófico 58 (1):1-10.
    La estética de lo cotidiano, surgida a finales del siglo XX, amplía la estética más allá del arte hacia las experiencias cotidianas. Iniciada en el ámbito anglosajón, esta subdisciplina se expande en Europa, como muestra este primer monográfico en español. Las contribuciones, de figuras clave de la disciplina, ahondan en los fundamentos y destacan su potencial inclusivo y transformador, teórico y práctico, consolidándola como una las disciplinas más prometedoras de la estética contemporánea.
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  43. Criticizing Women: Simone de Beauvoir on Complicity and Bad Faith.Filipa Melo Lopes - 2024 - In Berislav Marusić & Mark Schroeder, Analytic Existentialism. Oxford University Press.
    One of the key insights of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex is the idea that gender-based subordination is not just something done to women, but also something women do to themselves. This raises a question about ethical responsibility: if women are complicit, or actively implicated in their own oppression, are they at fault? Recent Beauvoir scholarship remains divided on this point. Here, I argue that Beauvoir did, in fact, ethically criticize many women for their complicity, as a sign of (...)
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  44. Why Wittgenstein Doesn’t Refute Skepticism.Raquel Albieri Krempel - 2019 - Discurso 49 (2).
    In On Certainty, Wittgenstein formulates several criticisms against skepticism about our knowledge of the external world. My goal is to show that Wittgenstein does not here offer a convincing answer to the skeptical problem. First, I will present a strong version of the problem, understanding it as a paradoxical argument. In the second part, I will introduce and raise problems for two pragmatic responses against skepticism that appear in On Certainty. Finally, I will present some of Wittgenstein’s logical criticisms against (...)
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  45. Wittgenstein on knowledge: a critique.Raquel Krempel - 2015 - Synthese 192 (3):723-734.
    My goal here is to assess whether Wittgenstein’s metaphilosophical conception of a descriptive philosophy is in accordance with his philosophical practice. I argue that Wittgenstein doesn’t really limit himself to description when he criticizes Moore’s use of the verb “to know”. In On Certainty, Wittgenstein argues that Moore’s claims of knowledge are at odds with the everyday use of the verb “to know”, because, among other things, they don’t allow the possibility of justification. That is, Wittgenstein considers that proper, everyday (...)
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    A case-based approach for coordinated action selection in robot soccer.Raquel Ros, Josep Lluís Arcos, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras & Manuela Veloso - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (9-10):1014-1039.
  47. Do comissariado de Deus à vontade do princeps': lei, autoridade e soberania no pensamento político medieval tardio.Raquel Kritsch - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (2).
    Os problemas da lei e da autoridade marcaram fortemente o pensamento políticomedieval ocidental, e em especial o desenvolvimento da noção de soberania, ponto deconvergência dos grandes conflitos de jurisdição no período. O debate acerca dadistribuição das jurisdições constituiu um dos momentos importantes para a construção damoderna idéia de soberania. Na medida em que se tomava a lei como dada, o sentido daautoridade tinha necessariamente de ser vinculado à idéia de comissão: a autoridade eraum atributo daquele que podia fazer cumprir a (...)
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    What is the Space for “Place” in Social Studies of Astronomy?Raquel Velho, Michael Gastrow, Caroline Mason, Marina Ulguim & Yoliswa Sikhosana - 2024 - Minerva 62 (4):573-591.
    All large-scale telescope facilities are constructed within a geographical, social, historical, and political context that includes nested layers at the global, national, and local levels. However, discussions about the geographic siting of astronomy facilities, for example, the communities in which they are embedded or the interactions between the facility and its locale, are uncommon in social science studies of astronomy, and no extant review focused on this gap in the literature. In this literature review and discourse analysis, we explore the (...)
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    Usability Study of the iACTwithPain Platform: An Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion-Based Intervention for Chronic Pain.Raquel Guiomar, Inês A. Trindade, Sérgio A. Carvalho, Paulo Menezes, Bruno Patrão, Maria Rita Nogueira, Teresa Lapa, Joana Duarte, José Pinto-Gouveia & Paula Castilho - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:848590.
    BackgroundThis pilot study aims to test the usability of the iACTwithPain platform, an online ACT-based intervention for people with chronic pain, to obtain information on which intervention and usability aspects need improvement and on expected retention rates.MethodsSeventy-three Portuguese women with chronic pain were invited to complete the first three sessions of the iACTwithPain intervention assess their quality, usefulness and the platform’s usability. Twenty-one accepted the invitation. Additionally, eight healthcare professionals working with chronic medical conditions assessed the platform and the intervention (...)
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    La filosofía japonesa en sus textos.Raquel Bouso, James Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis & John Maraldo (eds.) - 2016 - Barcelona, España: Herder.
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